Title: Architecting performant Flex/Java applications
Speakers: Stephane Rondal
Head Architect, ClearPriority (Brussels, Belgium)
Stephane brings 13+ years of experience in setting directions for software product development, managing outsourced projects and coaching diverse teams. Held senior engineering and e-business management positions at the Axa Group, where he spearheaded the delivery of Corporate Life and Individual Life policy management systems, and Fortis Bank in the field of Mobile Consumer Banking applications.
Flex and Java provide a powerful association to build rich, ergonomic and data-intensive applications. However, taming this power to turn this association into a winning and performing combination requires an adequate architecture and careful design considerations.
This talk will not address specific Flex or Java frameworks, but will explain some of the challenges faced while developing the front-end (GUI) part of the ClearPriority solution, a real-time risk monitoring platform, and which design choices were made to overcome such challenges.
As part of the trip, you?ll also learn about some of the simple but effective techniques used to identify and solve performance problems faced during development. The focus will be put on identification of the bottlenecks rather than solving them, as this is usually the trickiest part.
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