Bom, se você é desenvolvedor e foi e recebeu a frase que você esta aqui de-metido, não desespere, pois a Adobe esta dando uma cópia do Flex Builder para você.
Abaixo o pronunciamento de Andrew Shorten da Adobe, feito á DigitalArts.
DigitalArts: What is Adobe doing?
Andrew Shorten:“The Adobe evangelism team is offering a free copy of Flex Builder to developers who have recently been made unemployed. We’ve been offering this to people via our blogs, on Twitter, Facebook and encouraging others in the Flash community to spread the word to those who have been affected by the current economic situation.”
DigitalArts:Is it just for people in the UK?
Andrew Shorten: “No, this is open to anyone — all they have to do is make contact with an Adobe evangelist, provide some details about their development experience and their most recent employment and we’ll provide a free copy of Flex Builder together with links to free online training resources”
DigitalArts: Do they have to stop using this free copy of Flex when they get a job?
Andrew Shorten: “Absolutely not! We hope that by learning Flex when they have some time they’ll want to continue using Flex when they get back to work. We’re continuing to see demand for Flex developers, so hopefully by learning Flex it will help them find a future job opportunity.”
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